Computing Teaching Resources

Year 9 - Poster


To develop an understanding of house styles and how to create them.


Read this presentation to find out about house styles and why they are important.

House Styles
House Style

Download and open this worksheet, you are going to use it to help you create a house style for uPhone.

Start by choosing two fonts for your house style.

House Style Worksheet

Adam has already got a logo for uPhone that he really likes, however he is not sure which colour to go with.

He would like to take a look at the choices and pick the best one.

Once you have chosen save it into your uPhone folder. You also need to insert it into your worksheet.

uPhone Logos
Colour Scheme

Upload your chosen logo to the Kuler website and use it to help you pick a colour scheme for uPhone.

Take a screenshot of your chosen colour scheme and paste it into the house style worksheet.

Kuler Website

You need to create a poster that gives people an introduction to the common features of mobile phones. You will use the research that you carried out last lesson to help you.

It needs to be A4 in size and created using Microsoft Publisher.

Take a look at the incomplete example to help you.

Example Poster
Designing Logos

See if you can choose fonts, graphics and colours that go well together by completing this activity.